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Global Travel Services

Redefining Travel Excellence across the Globe

Elevate your business travel experience with Signal Tours’ global services, pioneering corporate travel excellence on every business trip.
At Signal Tours, we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive array of global travel services designed for corporate employees and businessmen operating worldwide.
Acknowledging the unique needs of each company, we excel at tailoring our services to align with the specific requirements and operational dynamics of every organization.
Through our partnership with the CTM global network, we ensure rapid and professional real-time travel management, for you and your company’s employees, regardless of their locations worldwide.

Global Partnership

As the exclusive Israeli partner within CTM – Corporate Travel Management, spanning over 70 countries, Signal Tours leverages the power of one of the world’s largest and most innovative business travel networks. With a combined sales power exceeding $5 billion, CTM enables us to secure the most competitive rates and deliver unparalleled value to our clients. Renowned for our unwavering commitment to excellence, we continuously strive to exceed the expectations of even the most demanding corporate travelers.

Key Benefits for Our Business Clients:

Global Reach: Our extensive network of travel management offices, staffed by highly skilled local experts, ensures that your employees receive worldwide top-tier support.

Cutting-Edge Technology: Utilization of advanced technological tools tailored to the travel industry, such as CTM’s award-winning online booking tool.

Exceptional Service: Our teams of seasoned professionals are dedicated to providing personalized, responsive service that anticipates and addresses the unique needs of each traveler.

Unrivaled Value: Exclusive online access to competitive rates in every destination. Substantial cost savings facilitated by a unique computerized system, available exclusively through Signal Tours in Israel, enabling real-time price comparisons and online bookings globally.

Global reporting: Unique capabilities via Data Star, a sophisticated system aggregating data worldwide, providing consolidated reporting for all client locations.

For more information, contact us

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