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Privacy Policy

Signal Tours Ltd. Group (hereinafter: “Signal”) takes the issue of privacy data protection seriously and wants you to know how we collect, use, share, and process your personal information in one way or another. The privacy protection policy describes our procedures in connection with the information we gather, whether by way of you contacting us, or whether by way of our website.
By transferring personal information to us, you consent to the terms of the said privacy protection policy.

1. Signal’s Undertaking to Protect Privacy data
Protecting your privacy and securing your personal information is important to Signal, and to the manner in which we conduct our business – a manner which is consistent with the privacy protection Regulations and data security.We hope that the policy outlined below will assist you in understanding what information Signal may gather, how we use this information, protect it and who we can share it with.

2. How Do We Gather Private Information
Signal does not gather any information that may personally identify you (such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) (hereinafter: “Personal Information”) by way of our websites, unless you choose to provide it to us voluntarily (such as by way of the “Contact” page).
If you are not interested that we gather your Personal Information, please do not transfer information to us.
When you transfer Personal Information to us, we usually make use of it in order to address your inquiry.
If you are an employee of one or more of the commercial or individual customers to whom we offer or provide our services – travel services and other tourism services – we gather information about you if you receive services from us.
This information may include your name, e-mail address, telephone numbers, employer’s name and physical address. Additionally, we may require a passport number, gender and date of birth for certain passengers.
If we book a reservation for a travel partner, we may gather similar information about him.
The information enters your traveler profile, which is the location in which we store the information necessary in order to book your travel and provide you with our services. You may choose to transfer to us further information for your traveler profile, such as your frequent flyer details or emergency contact information.
If you book a reservation with us, we will gather your travel details (such as takeoff and landing information, airlines, hotel and car rental) and any other information required in order to complete your reservation. Furthermore, we may gather special categories of information in order to provide you with accessibility, food preference at meals or other popular services.
If you purchase travel and tourism services from Signal through your employer, we also provide the employers, from time to time, with reports that contain details regarding your reservation, travel route and services you ordered.

3. Non-Personal Information That Is Gathered Automatically
When you browse websites, we may automatically gather information that is not personally identifiable (such as, the type of web browser and the operating system used by your computer; the domain name of the site from which you arrived; the number of visits; average time you browsed, web pages you viewed) (meaning, not by way of registration). We may make use of this information and share it with related entities around the world in order to measure the use of our websites and improve the content therein.

4. How Do We Make Use of Private Information
When using the website, it is possible that information regarding users may be collected by the site operators. This includes browsing behavior on the site, the pages viewed, offers and services related to it, the location of the computer used for browsing the site, monitoring of pages on the site from which users make phone calls to the center, and more. The site operators will keep this information confidential. The use of this information, as well as the information provided by the users, will be in accordance with the privacy policy or pursuant to any legal provisions, for the fulfillment of the purposes detailed below:
Provide you with products and services related to traveling – we make use of your information in order to make your reservation, prepare inventory lists and invoices, contact you about your reservation or our products and services, provide customer service and manage your account.
Provide our products and services to corporate customers – we make use of your information in order to comply with the agreements between your employer and us, or with other service providers, and ensure the fulfillment of the policies of the company in which you are employed.

5. How Do We Share Your Information
• Travel Providers and Other Providers of Travel Services – we share information with travel providers (such as, airlines and hotels) and with travel service providers (such as, ticketing systems and travel application providers), as required in order to make your reservation and provide additional services for your flight and for your employer.
• Service Providers – we share information with service providers who perform tasks on our behalf, providers of VISA and passport services, software developers, as well as professional factors that provide IT support, data storage, marketing, communications and gathering services. These service providers obtain access to information only as necessary to perform their tasks as we instructed them in our contracts with them.

6. “Cookies” – Information Placed Automatically On Your Computer
When you browse one of our websites, we may store certain information on your computer by way of a “Cookie” in order to identify you automatically the next time you visit. A Cookie may assist us in several manners, for example, it allows us to better tailor the website to your areas of interest. If you choose to be unidentifiable, please define your browser to delete cookies from your computer’s hard disk, block all cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is store on the computer.

7. Security
Signal Tours takes precautions to secure the personal information you provide. Information provided by the user on the website during registration for services, and any other information subsequently provided, as requested in connection with and according to the type of service, as well as any information collected about the user while using the site, will be stored in the group’s databases. The site operators will use the information in accordance with legal provisions and this privacy policy.
Each user declares and undertakes that all information provided by him/her and/or provided on his/her behalf is true, reliable, and accurate, and that he/she has registered and/or provided the information in his/her name and for himself/herself only, and not on behalf of or for third parties.
Signal Tours implements data security systems. While these systems minimize the risks of unauthorized access to the site’s computers, they do not provide absolute security. Therefore, the site operators do not undertake that the services on the site and/or in the databases will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored in them. If you have concerns about specific information, refrain from transmitting this information over the internet.
Signal Tours will cooperate with the relevant regulatory authorities, including local privacy protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data

8. Use of Information Databases
Signal Tours is committed to operating in accordance with the Privacy Protection Law-1981. According to this law, every individual is entitled to examine the information held about him in a data repository. An individual who has examined their information and found it to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear, or outdated, is entitled to request the owner of the data repository to correct or delete the information. If the owner of the database refuses to fulfill this request, they must inform the requester in the manner and form prescribed by law. Upon refusal by the owner of the data repository to allow inspection, or upon notification of refusal to correct or delete information, the requester may appeal to the Magistrate’s Court in the manner and form prescribed by law.

9. Updates To The Privacy Policy
Signal Tours reserves the right to amend the provisions of this Privacy Protection Policy from time to time at its sole discretion, as our business evolves, or legal requirements change. if we make significant modifications to the said privacy protection policy, we will post a notification on our website before the modifications enter into effect.

10. Questions and Comments
If you have any questions or comments regarding Signal’s privacy protection policy, please contact us by e-mail at signal@signaltours.com by entering “Privacy Protection Policy” in the “Subject” line.

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